
Finding Your Blogging Niche: 6 Unconventional Ideas to Help You Stand Out

Find Your Unique Blog Niche Today

If you’re right at the start of your blogging journey and know that you want to make a business out of it, then you’ve come to the right place. Starting a blog can be daunting, but starting it right is essential. In the vast sea of content available online, carving out a distinctive space is hard. But, finding that niche that you could talk about all day long is crucial for attracting a dedicated audience and achieving long-term success. I’ll help by kicking off your brainstorming session with six niches that you might not have considered yet.

Turn Your Travel Blog into a Moneymaker

Travel blogging?! I’m sure it wasn’t a topic you expected to see on this list – it seems like the whole world and its mother are travel blogging. However, if you get right into the niches, there’s still traffic (and thus money) to be made. A quick disclaimer here, if you run a travel blog but don’t actually go to the destinations that you recommend, then maybe skip ahead to the next trip.

Many blogs claim to offer ‘off-the-beaten-track’ recommendations but end up highlighting pretty well-known options. One of the reasons for this is the over-reliance on regenerated content and AI created content. AI simply isn’t capable of original thought; it can only generate ideas based on what’s out there. So, no, I’m not saying you need to discover an unknown village that nobody has – ever – travelled to before. But you do need to be on the lookout for real experiences – in the real world – Google Street View tourism just won’t cut it. Focus on being authentic.

Take your own photos to build credibility and trust with your audience. This not only enhances your blog’s EEAT (Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) but also provides a personal touch that resonates with readers. When you really drill down into what Google’s core updates are about, you tend to find that they serve the reader, as well as the search engine. All of this will lead to better rankings and better traffic, we’ll leave the product recommendations and brand partnerships down to you!

Get Specific About Gaming

It’s another – enormous – niche in at number 2. The world of gaming blogs is vast but homing in on a specific game (that’s right, one specific game) can attract a dedicated audience of enthusiasts. Let’s take an example, as it’s sometimes easier to see just how specific you need to be this way.

Step 1: pick a game that you’re knowledgeable about and could spend all day writing about. I’m choosing blackjack, because I consider myself a bit of a nerd and it has some interesting options for monetization too. We’re aiming not to be a good online blackjack blogger, but the best online blackjack blogger in this experiment. You need to provide in-depth guides, strategies, and tips that help players improve their game. You need to actually review all of the places it’s possible to play. You’ll need to get information on the latest releases, which variants are proving the most popular. Look into the bonuses that are offering good percentages for blackjack players. Every little thing you want to be on top of it. This level of detail and expertise can draw a loyal readership looking for quality content.
Once you’ve got that under control, it’s time to monetize. There are thousands of online casino sites out there and by identifying the reputable ones, you can make yourself a worthwhile affiliate. By directing customers only to the sites that you truly believe are excellent, you’ll be earning a little commission and further proving that you’re a voice in the industry that can be trusted.

Whether you go down the blackjack route or not, remember one thing. To maximize your success, it’s important to pick one game and really drill down into the nitty-gritty rather than being a generalist. This focused approach will establish you as an authority in the niche and attract a dedicated audience interested in your insights and recommendations.

Put Pets and the Planet First

Pet blogs are a dime a dozen, but we – love – our furry and feathered friends. Finding a niche within the petosphere is tricky, but there’s a small but dedicated circle of pet owners who care deeply about sustainability. If living life in a greener way is something that aligns with your values, then creating an environmentally friendly pet ownership blog could be a good money-spinner. So, not only can you do your bit for the environment, but you can make a little money too!

The limits of this blog are really your imagination. You can cover a wide range of topics, including homemade pet food recipes, eco-friendly grooming tips, and reviews of sustainable pet products. The pet-products lend themselves perfectly to affiliate links and when you get a name for yourself, there might be grooming salons (and other pet-based businesses) who would partner with you or buy advertising space on your site. Plus, you get to work with a brilliant audience of pet owners who are passionate about sustainability.

You also shouldn’t underestimate the scope for collaborations within this niche. There are thousands of famous TikTok and Instagram pets (seriously, I think I follow more pets than I do people right now). Partnering with popular pet influencers can increase your blog’s visibility and credibility, attracting a wider audience and even potential sponsors – kaching.

Differentiate Yourself from the Homesteading Crowd

This one is going to be a divider of the people, but the idea of skipping town and setting up a homestead is becoming increasingly popular. You’ll find all kinds of bloggers who have their own chickens, try to grow most of their own vegetables, and generally seem to live a pretty dreamy life – think cottagecore on steroids. However, there are still sub-niches within homesteading that are under-represented by bloggers. Just to get the ball rolling, what about urban beekeeping and microgreen farming? Little side-shoots like these can set your blog apart. These topics are not only unconventional but also cater to city dwellers who want to engage in sustainable practices without leaving the rat race entirely!

As they’re here, let’s get into them! Urban beekeeping is a fascinating niche that combines sustainability with a love for nature. Your blog can provide insights into starting and maintaining beekeeping operations in urban settings, including equipment reviews (Amazon shop links) and honey harvesting tips (that all important EEAT). Believe it or not, there are trends in urban beekeeping too, so there’s plenty of scope for long form content that will attract an interested readership.

Microgreen farming is another niche that appeals to urbanites interested in growing their own food. The clue is in the name, you can grow ‘micro’ greens in very small spaces. Your blog can be packed with equipment recommendations, growth tips, and the health benefits of microgreens too. Sure, there are some people in this space, but combining it with a homesteading approach gives you the breadth to be seen as an authority alongside the power of a popular niche.

Unusual Collectibles and Curiosities

Minimalists, look away now! Exploring the world of unusual and rare collectibles is a great way to capture the attention of a whole generation of people who feel starved for space but are like magpies when it comes to obscure (and shiny) items. The scope of this idea is broad, you could be blogging about collectibles like vintage taxidermy, quirky antiques, or strange curiosities. Wherever you take it, the content can be fascinating, and the research is a whole experience of its own. Prepare for YouTube wormholes and never-ending Wikipedia sessions learning about all the weird and wonderful stuff you’ve managed to get your hands on – or not! There’s even scope for blogging about one-of-a-kind items that you don’t even own. As long as the story is good enough and you’re a good enough storyteller, unusual items can leave readers captivated!

Also, monetization opportunities naturally include affiliate links for collectible items, but also perhaps for preservation tools and supplies. Plus, there’s always the opportunity to work in collaboration with your local antiques shop and collectibles store. Not to mention the peers you’ll find in this space take enthusiasm to a whole new level! So, if you love collaborating, this could be a perfect option.

Modern Mythology and Urban Legends

Sticking with the weird and wonderful theme, why not Investigate contemporary myths, urban legends, and folklore? Many of these have emerged in the digital age, but there are still some from history that’s whole meaning changes under modern interpretations. You could explore stories related to viral internet phenomena, mysterious online challenges, or modern urban legends.

There is a whole slew of readers interested in this kind of thing and your blog can provide detailed analyses, personal investigations, and discussions on the cultural impact of these modern myths. Plus, there are loads of podcasts about this. A great way to gain exposure for your blog is by securing a guest slot on a podcast. Sure, it won’t happen overnight, but by covering intriguing and eerie stories – and doing it well – you can prove you’re an expert in the field and snag yourself that spot.

This is also a great sector to monetize, as there are thousands upon thousands of books concerned with mythology. So, you can always share affiliate links as a supernatural way for people to want to find out more. Plus, if things really take off, you could get sponsorship from television media brands too!

Whatever you choose to do, finding your blogging niche is crucial for standing out in the crowded online space. There’s no quick fix to ranking well and getting reliable traffic, but as the saying goes – the riches are in the niches. Focus on a niche that inspires you and authenticity and expertise will come naturally. These are the keys to connecting with your readers and achieving long-term success. So, pick your niche, start creating valuable content, and watch your blog thrive!

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Greetings to everyone. I am Karuna Singh, I am a writer and blogger since 2018. I have written 1250+ articles and generated targeted traffic. Through this blog blogEarns, I want to help many fellow bloggers at every stage of their blogging journey and create a passive income stream from their blog.

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