Maximize AdSense earning by 60-70% – Best Ad Placement Guide
Best Adsense Ad Placement Guide: Google HeatMap
Hello friends, welcome to Blogearns. This post is going to be very important for all Adsense account holders because we will discuss the right way to place your Adsense ads to increase your revenue by 60-70%.
One of the most common terms you may have heard when discussing how to improve Adsense CPC (Cost per click) is “AdSense heatmap”. In this post, I will be discussing heatmaps and the best Adsense placement ideas that will help you increase your Adsense income.
Google AdSense is the most reliable way to monetize websites. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a blog or a YouTube channel. AdSense earnings can be easily increased by using smart ad placement tips. This strategy focuses on where your website visitors are most likely to pay attention and click on the ads. There are several well-known places on the blog page that can be used to add AdSense ads, increasing your chances of generating more clicks and money.
Placing AdSense in the middle of a post, for instance, will help you earn the most clicks. Another well-known fact is that placing ads near the top of the page increases the likelihood that your visitors will interact with it, resulting in more clicks and more money for you.
Adsense ad placement is very tricky but we must give it a try because the best ad placement can easily increase your earnings by at least 60-70%.
Do you want to know our successful way to increase Adsense income?
So, I am going to share with you some approaches that you can put to use immediately. Some are based on existing equipment, while others are done by hand. You can use any of the strategies listed below for smart ad placement, depending on your technical level.
Smart Ad Placement – Ezoic
This is undoubtedly one of the less well-known methods for improving ad placement. Ezoic uses artificial intelligence to connect your blog and AdSense account for improved ad placement. Ezoic can be used by any blog that has more than 20,000 visitors each month.
Starting is technical, but it is well worth the work because you can increase your revenue by 60-70 percent overnight.
Adsense Heatmap Image
Check out the Google Adsense heatmap which clearly shows the best AdSense placements without disturbing the site visitors.

It is true that non-technology websites make twice as much money as technical websites. This is because users of technology websites are well aware of advertising and generally ignore advertising, but non-technology websites do not. Due to illiteracy of readers, tech websites like dating and astrology make more money from Google ads.
Another reality is that when readers of technological websites read an article and find it informative, they will click on the ad to express their appreciation for the material. Do you think about the following when advertising:
- Why did the user visit your site?
- Is it better to focus on content or on advertising?
- Where to place the ad without interfering with your reader’s view or undermining your ad.
You may believe that if I create a better article, I will receive more organic traffic, and that more traffic equals more cash. Consider another strategy to arrange advertising while focusing on post quality that will result in both traffic and money.
Best advertisement placement guide
- The ad placement at the top of the post header offers a higher Google AdSense CTR.
- If you are simply concerned about revenue, you can add ads between your content.
- Google search for your website is also a fantastic idea to enhance revenue, but placing the Google search unit in the most apparent location on your website is a much better solution.
- Must place ad above the post.
- You can add ads in between your post.
- You can also add ads in the sidebar
However, I would advise you to arrange the ad in such a way that it does not hinder your reader’s view, and it is preferable to fill it with advertisements rather than having empty space on your website.
Google AdSense Pro Edition
Boost Adsense Income
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I will write about additional Google Adsense subjects in the future to help you get the most out of your AdSense experience. If you don’t want to miss anything, subscribe to the Blogearns Feed.