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Cloaking House Review 2023

Cloaking.House – a cloud traffic protection and filtering service

What is Cloaking?

Cloaking is a well-liked technique in internet marketing for promoting gray-hat creatives and filtering traffic while subverting ad exchange policies.

The House Group, known for its work on the popular websites Push.House, CPA.House, and Partners.House, has created a service for cloaking and bot screening called Cloaking.House. You may avoid being blocked from social networking sites with robust anti fraud systems, such as TikTok, Google, bet365, etc., thanks to this service. Moreover, Cloaking.House can filter bot traffic, protecting your pre landers and landers from surveillance services.

The cloaker’s user interface responds quite quickly. Every component of your account may be opened immediately; you don’t even need to wait a few seconds.

We are going to introduce you to a cloaking service today under the name of Cloaking.House that provides a lot more than URL cloaking. With Cloaking.House, you have considerably more control over the traffic that visits your URLs since you can filter it according to your own criteria and display the webpages you want to each group to see. Your traffic may be filtered based on a variety of factors, including GEOs, devices, operating systems, browsers, proxies, and much more.

The major benefit is that you can filter bot traffic, moderators, surveillance tools, and rivals in only five minutes, preventing them from seeing your website.

In this post, we’ll provide you a thorough analysis of the platform and go over its unique features, which may give you complete control over your URLs and enable you to secure the traffic that visits your website.

Why Cloaking House?

The team behind Push.House, CPA.House, and Partners.House also operates the cloaking service Cloaking.House. The service provides a cutting-edge cloaking solution that may shield your website from bots, moderators, spy tools, rivals, and other undesirable traffic while also enabling you to route that traffic to whatever page you like.

You may have top-quality visitors from these platforms visit your website and convert them with any offer, product, or service you are selling while avoiding social media bans thanks to robust anti-fraud systems like those employed by Facebook, Google, and Tiktok.

Using cloaking.House is very easy . You can setup all of your traffic filters and have your traffic flows well-functioning with only a few clicks. To make it happen, you don’t need any programming knowledge.

Also, because the tool is cloud-based, you won’t need to purchase a server and set up the cloaking software in order for it to function like it did in the past.

According to the founders, the system combines AI and machine learning algorithms to expertly filter the traffic by a number of criteria, including:

  • Countries
  • Devices
  • OS
  • Browsers
  • VPN/Proxy
  • IPv6 ISP
  • Referrer

You may find out where your traffic is coming from and recognise bot traffic and its origins thanks to Cloaking.House, which also provides precise information by date, nations, locations, streams, devices, OS, and browsers, as well as for each click that has gone through your traffic flow.

How Does Cloaking House Work?

The way it works, everything is clear and simple.

  • Machine learning: Based on machine learning, a professional solution for traffic filtering and content protection.
  • Traffic Sources: Runs flawlessly with all traffic sources, including Facebook, Yandex, MT, TikTok, and other ad networks.
  • Traffic Filtering: The following criteria are flexible filtering options: nations, devices, OS, browsers, VPN/Proxy, IPv6, ISP, and Referrer. You may also make your own Black List.
  • PHP Integration: You can use site builders or your own websites. despite having little technological expertise. The script will be easy for you to install and set up.
  • Statistics: Comprehensive information broken out by time, regions, cities, flows, devices, operating systems, browsers, and even for each click.
  • Promo Codes and Bonuses:
    1. Payment plans begin at $30 per month.
    2. Beginning with a $20/monthly charge paid annually.
  • Sign up in the system: Upon registration, you will automatically be granted 7 days of unrestricted trial access.

Subscription Plans:

There are three different plans offered by the developers. Let’s take a quick look at how they differ:

Plans Monthly Charges No. of active Flows Other Features
Starter 30 3 NA
Basic 100 10 Priority Live Support
Premium 200 Unlimited Priority Live Support

Referral Program:

If you want to recommend services to other affiliates, you should utilise the referral link found in the “Referrals” section. Use it, and you’ll receive 20% of each referral’s expenditure.

How to use Cloaking House?

Cloaking.House just takes four major processes to filter traffic:

  • Creating a flow
  • Creating filters
  • Activating the flow
  • Downloading the integration file and uploading it to your server

Creating a flow:

By creating a flow, you are defining the default path that your visitors will use to reach both your white and blackhat pages. Here is where moderators, bots, and other undesirable traffic will be sent.

If the white page satisfies the moderation standards of your traffic source, such as Facebook, Google, or Tiktok, your campaign will be authorised.

You can just fill in the form above by:

  • Writing your flow name
  • Adding the link to the white page (safe page)
  • Selecting the redirect option
  • Adding the link to the offer page (blackhat landing page)
  • Selecting the redirect option

cloaking house creating flow

NOTE: The white page is the safe or clean page that you will display to moderators or traffic that you do not want to see your landing page, whereas the offer page is the landing page that may be blackhat and will be shown to the filtered traffic that you select in the following step.

Creating Filters:

You must establish filters for your traffic here. The first buttons you’ll notice are for controlling traffic to your page. VPN/ proxy traffic, IPv6 traffic, traffic without an ISP, and traffic without a referrer can all be disabled.

cloaking house creating filter

To assess VPN activity, the service leverages premium online databases to seek for, identify, and restrict VPN IP addresses.

Cloaking.House also has a database of over 400 bots that the service can identify. All bots are sent to a white page.

Following that are choices for selecting the type of traffic to visit your offer page:

  • Devices
  • Operating Systems
  • Browsers
  • Blacklist

When you’ve chosen your filters, click the save button.

Activating the flow:

cloaking house activating flow

The following step is to initiate the flow. This tab also allows you to limit certain other IP addresses. When you’ve activated it, click the save button.

Downloading the Integration File and Uploading it to Your Server

cloaking house activating flow

The next step is to download the integration file, which is a zip file containing the cloaking script in the form of a PHP file. To get your cloaking up and running, FTP this PHP file to the server root folder of your website.

Once you’ve added the file, your integration will be activated, and the traffic flows will begin displaying data about the traffic and which page it is delivered to based on the filters you’ve configured.

Then, add the link to the white page to your Facebook or Google campaign, and the moderators will notice that it’s clean and approve your campaign. The rest of your inbound traffic will then be directed to your offer page or blackhat landing page after it has been authorised.

Advantage of Cloaking House

  • For such a complex technological solution, the UI and UX are really appealing.
  • Machine learning is used to automatically prevent bot traffic from previously identified and verified sources, therefore securing your website.
  • It is compatible with any traffic source, including Facebook, Google, TikTok, and other advertising networks.
  • It supports numerous filtering factors such as nations, devices, operating systems, browsers, VPN/Proxy, IPv6, ISP, and Referrers, and it also allows users to filter traffic using their own Black Lists.
  • The service does not require any technical skills to set up.
  • With each click, the program provides extensive data by date, nation, city, stream, device, operating system, and browser.
  • It offers reasonable price plans.


Greetings to everyone. I am Karuna Singh, I am a writer and blogger since 2018. I have written 1250+ articles and generated targeted traffic. Through this blog blogEarns, I want to help many fellow bloggers at every stage of their blogging journey and create a passive income stream from their blog.

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