Earn Money Online

How to Earn Money by a Blog – Blogger .blogspot and WordPress

How to Earn Money Online Without Investment - Genuine Guide

How to make money with Blog Via Blogger (blogspot) and WordPress

Want to earn money from a blog? Of course, you need it. Every blogger wants it. While writing this I don’t know whether you own a blog or you are a newbie. If you have a blog and trying to monetize it with Google Adsense but not getting success due to many reasons, then you should try the best Google Adsense alternatives to generate revenue right now. Whether you have a hobby blog or a business blog, it is not possible to become rich overnight. You need to be patient and work hard. You must have a proper understanding of SEO and keyword strategy. You can generate huge revenue only if your blog post is ranking in search engines SERP, to rank in search engines you need to target a specific keyword related to your post subject. You can do keyword research in many ways but we recommend you to read our Best Keyword Research Tools to save your time for searching keyword research tool that suits you.

And a very common term that comes in the world of blogging is CPC/PPC advertising and CPM advertising. Let us understand CPC/PPC ads and CPM ads.

  • CPC/PPC Ads: CPC is the cost per click advertising sometimes called pay per click advertising. These are basically banner types of ads that you can apply to your content or sidebar. Once users click on it, you will be paid for it.
  • CPM Ads: CPM Ads is the Cost per thousand impressions. This is a fixed amount of money Advertisement, totally depends on how many people view your advertisements. You should check individual Ad network policies to get the proper CMP ads to cost.

To truly leverage your blog’s earning potential, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of your prospective ad revenue. For this purpose, a tool such as an ad revenue calculator could be highly beneficial. This tool enables you to estimate potential earnings based on your current blog performance, providing actionable insight to inform your monetization strategy. Whether your blog employs CPC/PPC Ads, CPM Ads, or private ads, using the ad revenue calculator can help guide you to areas where you can enhance your revenue stream. It’s an insightful step to take toward optimizing your blog’s income potential.

Selling Private Ads

When it comes to selling ads, working with ad networks isn’t your only option. Advertisers may approach you directly if you have enough traffic and ask you to post their ad on your site. You can also make direct contact with the advertising. The greatest difference between this option and the one before is that there is no middleman, so you may establish your own advertising rates.

You can sell private ads that come in the form of banners, buttons, or links. You can even write sponsored posts, in which you write about or review an advertiser’s product or service, which is another way to get money. Another alternative is to publish an unsponsored piece or series, in which you can write about whatever you choose, but the advertiser pays for the “brought to you” reference in the article.

Earning Boot-up Tips: To make more money online from your blog, you can also sell sponsorship space in your email newsletters (Get the list of 5 best email marketing software), podcasts and videos.

Put Affiliate Links in Your Article

Affiliate Marketing is one of the best proven online earning programs. Let us know in detail how Affiliate Marketing works:

1 Let’s say an advertiser has a product and wants to sell the product. And he agrees to pay you a certain percentage commission if you help him sell his product through your blog or website.
2 For that, the advertiser will give you an affiliate link that tracks your affiliate code. This way the advertiser knows when the buyer used your link to make a purchase.
3 You can place your affiliate code anywhere on your blog or website or between related post articles. You can also create a banner with that affiliate link. You will get a certain amount of commission on each purchase made through your affiliate link.

Earning boost-up tips: Worried about where to get an advertiser? Don’t worry we have a solution for this problem. To get an advertiser, you just need to join the affiliate program of the eCommerce site such as Amazon Affiliate Program, Flipkart Affiliate Program, etc. The advantage of these programs is that you are free to choose the product that is relevant to your post. This will increase your user interaction and click-through rate.

Selling Digital Products

Consider selling digital products if you don’t want to advertise other people’s products on your site or if you’re seeking a new source of income. This could include things like:

  • eBooks
  • Workshops
  • Professional Online Courses
  • Apps, Plugins, and Blogger WordPress Themes
  • Images, Videos, or Music for content writing

Build Your Credibility

Building credibility through blogging can lead to a plethora of money-making opportunities. Let’s imagine you want to create a blog in the banking area. People begin to read your content, and your blog grows in popularity. You’ve made a name for yourself in the financial world.

People can approach you to co-author a debt management book, or you can charge to speak at conferences or conduct an employee financial training day once you have that right.

It’s not a direct way to make money from blogging, but it’s worked for a lot of well-known bloggers, and it could work for you as well. Popular blogs selling their branding and content have sold for four to seven figures if you’re seeking a direct money stream.

Guest Post

Guest Post is one of the best option for earning money online by your blog. But the question is what is guest posting. Let’s understand what is guest posting and how you can earn huge amount just by posting other’s post on your blog.

What is Guest Post?

A guest post is a contribution to a blog by an author who also writes for another blog. Guest writing increases brand exposure among a diverse readership and drives fresh visitors to your website.

How you can earn by guest posting?

People often use to publish their blog posts on certain forums and they drive traffic to their site with links like read more or continue reading. But here I am not talking about the same, rather other people’s posts will be posted on your blog and in return they will pay you. Isn’t this a good idea? Yes it is, but your blog needs to be qualified through some checks.

There are some sites like Flyout that offer bloggers to register their blogs with them. They will check the site traffic and quality of your blog and allow you to choose your blog category. If eligible, they’ll ask you for your fee for a blog post, you can type in any amount, but they’ll quickly check the value of your site and recommend the best amount. If you agree then you can go ahead and check the blog panel of the dashboard to see if any posts are available for you at that time. If not, wait for some time. It usually takes 2-3 days for a post to appear available in your account. For more details and step-by-step registration process read our article Earn Money Through Guest Post – Detailed Guide.

For Beginners – Don’t Be Afraid To Experiment!

If you are a beginner and don’t have enough knowledge to start a blog and whether you should buy a domain and hosting plan for your blog & website or not? I would personally recommend you to use Google blogger to start blogging Because it’s free and you can start experimenting with your niche. For more details and how to set up a blog in Google Blogger, read our step-by-step guide on Google Blogger setup. Later if you want to switch to WordPress then you can easily shift your Blogger site to WordPress. You can also try these WordPress alternatives .

Always Remember…
… in blogging world!!


Guys, Thank you for reading this post. I tried my best to explain in detail on this topic how to earn money through a blog. You’ll figure out what works and what doesn’t over time. Which option would you choose if you wanted to make money from your blog?

Let me know in the comments or you can mail me at karunasingh@blogearns.com


Greetings to everyone. I am Karuna Singh, I am a writer and blogger since 2018. I have written 1250+ articles and generated targeted traffic. Through this blog blogEarns, I want to help many fellow bloggers at every stage of their blogging journey and create a passive income stream from their blog.

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